
2024-05-27 0 Comments

News summary

[Yahua Group: Update on Kamativi Lithium Mineral Resources in Zimbabwe] Securities Times e Company News, Yahua Group (002497) announced on the evening of May 27 that the company recently received a notice from its subsidiary KMC Company, a subsidiary that KMC Company entrusted a third-party organization, Sichuan Province Fifth Geological Brigade, to conduct investigations on KMCcryptogamesplaytoearnfree.cryptogamesplaytoearnfree..

Newsletter text

[Yahua Group: Update on Kamativi Lithium Mine Resources in Zimbabwe] Securities Times e Company News, Yahua Group (002497) announced on the evening of May 27 that recently, the company received a notice from its subsidiary KMC Company that KMC Company entrusted a third-party organization Sichuan Province Fifth Geological Brigade to estimate the resources of Kamativi polymetallic ore owned by KMC Company.cryptogamesplaytoearnfreeUpdated, compiledcryptogamesplaytoearnfreePublished the "Lithium Mine Exploration Report on the Kamativi Kuangqu Mining Area, North Matabeleland Province, Zimbabwe." Historical exploration data at the time of acquisition in 2022 shows that the ore resources in the drilled exploration area are 18.22 million tons, and the average grade of lithium oxide is 1.25%, equivalent to approximately 227,800 tons of lithium oxide resources. The latest data from the "Lithium Mine Exploration Report on Kamativi Kuangqu Mining Area in North Matabeleland Province, Zimbabwe" shows: As of May 2024, the discovered + controlled + inferred ore volume in the Kamativi polymetallic mine exploration area is 24.215,853 million tons, and the lithium mineral (Li2O) resource volume is 304,026 million tons, equivalent to a lithium carbonate equivalent of 750,944 million tons. The exploration results of this report increase by 5.995,853 million tons compared with the historical exploration ore resources at the time of the announcement in 2022. Other areas to be explored will be updated in a timely manner based on subsequent exploration conditions.
